Dun dun DUN! It sounds like we have a recurring theme of not strictly adhering to our running schedule.
Unfortunately, I have been suffering from uncomfortable back pain after slipping on the ice (multiple times), so I have been plugging along at a slower pace. In the words of Lady Antebellum, "When it's all said and done, you can walk instead of run. 'Cause no matter what you'll never be alone." Doing this training with my sisters have been a true blessing! There is very real sense of accountability because my sisters are the last people I want to let down while simultaneously providing true encouragement as they are two of my best cheerleaders.
Now let's discuss what the real demon of the week. The Bad Habit. My carbs and Diet Pepsi habit. While you may roll your eyes at me as you read this, I have a very difficult giving these two things up. I work at a bakery-café where I have unlimited access to bakery treats and Diet Pepsi...it isn't an easy task to stop cold turkey. As I have mentioned in The Real McCoys, I want to provide Evelyn with good eating habits so she doesn't wake up in her mid-twenties and realize that she needs to make a major lifestyle change to avoid serious repercussions in her later adult life. I saw this video on Disney Junior one morning, and while it made us giggle, the message is an important one.
Want some simple, serious advice that will change your eating habits? Don't buy soda, sweeties, and salty treats when you are at the store. If it isn't in your kitchen, you can't eat it! At work, I keep packs of almonds in my purse; whenever I think that I want a bakery treat, I either eat a small apple or munch on some of the almonds to curb my appetite. Being prepared with some healthy snacks will save you in the long run--no vending machine junk for you!
Thank you, everyone, for all your words of encouragement! It is an amazing feeling to know that so many people are cheering for us as we continue our training! I hope your week is filled with all kinds of amazing fun.
That dancing candy bar is preeeeeetty funny.